Olympia doesn’t have a money problem. It has a priorities problem. Let’s fix what’s broken.
I stand with over 400,000 voters who signed the L ET’S GO WASHINGTON Initiatives, to lower taxes and increase our freedoms.
Born and raised in Edmonds, WA, Lisa is excited to run for Legislative State Representative bordering her childhood hometown.
As a wife, mother, and citizen, Lisa believes there needs to be a dialogue of shared concerns and challenges. Her goal as your representative is to bring unity to opportunities, prosperity, and a bright future we all deserve.
Lisa’s priorities include the sentiment of the people including helping our citizens feel safe in their homes and everyday activities, supporting small businesses and increasing job opportunities, and protecting the health and wellness of our citizens through our food, water, and air quality.
I am Fully and Publicly endorsing MS LISA REZAC to be our NEXT REPRESENTATIVE in position #1 for the 32nd Legislative District State of Washington. She is bright, intelligent, energetic, Knowledgeable of the issues facing ALL of the citizens in the district and the state of Washingston. She is the type of PERSON that will get the LAWS changed, for the good and sake of ALL CITIZENS.
Raymond W. Coffey, PCO - 32nd LD | MAJGEN USAVR
PO Box 33505
Seattle, WA 98133
2024 Lisa Rezac. All Rights Reserved.