Our community is suffering from the effects of bad policies. We need to address the high cost of living, not feeling safe in our neighborhoods, and the health and wellness of everyday people.


You deserve to feel safe
  • Reduce crime by funding our peace officers and providing them with body cams for accountability.  
  • Retail theft is out of control and needs to be addressed. The increase in insurance plus the loss of inventory make it impossible to sustain small businesses. Prosecuting criminals is the beginning of the solution.
  • Establish task forces to address specific issues like human trafficking and drug abuse.

Cost of Living

You deserve to live comfortably
  • Reasonably reduce property taxes and encourage responsible spending of taxpayer dollars.
  • Repeal the cap-and-trade scheme that’s driven up fuel and utility bills and allow you to opt out of the insolvent “long term care” payroll tax program.
  • Encourage local businesses and economic growth by investing in education, job training, and placement programs.

Health and Wellbeing

You deserve quality of life
  • Focus on preventative care for individuals and families is the future.
  • Make organic and locally sourced foods affordable.
  • Hold public and private organizations accountable for what goes into our food, water, and air supply that negatively affect our health and wellness.

These platform issues capture what we want for our community

Public Safety: Safety in our homes, in our schools, on our streets and in our workplaces is a fundamental right of the people and an obligation of the government.

Taxes: We believe new taxes should be approved by the voters, not elected officials.  We oppose the carbon tax on gas, the excise tax on capital gains, increases in property tax, or any sort of state income tax.  We oppose excessive tolls. 

Education: Schools must do better at providing a solid foundation in reading, writing, math, science, civics, and the arts. 

Parental Rights: We recognize and support parents as the primary stakeholders in medical and educational choices for their minor children.

Homelessness: We support vocational training, mental health counseling and/or substance abuse assistance for all citizens faced with homelessness and an incentive of jail or treatment for drug offenders.